Friday, July 30, 2010

Boot Camp Workout #4

Push Up

The 21-15-9 rep scheme is a favorite of CrossFit. I think all of the Boot Campers learned that while this workout didn't seem too difficult on paper, once the clock started, this workout was quite a challenge. Everyone did a great job!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

After Exercise - 10 Ways To Recover Quickly After Exercise
What to Do After Exercise to Speed Recovery From a Workout

By Elizabeth Quinn, Guide
Updated August 01, 2008

Do you know what to do after exercise to speed your recovery from a workout? Your post exercise routine can have a big impact on your fitness gains and sports performance but most people don't have an after exercise recovery plan.
Most people exercise for the benefits they get from their workout: improved sports performance, better endurance, less body fat, added and even just feeling better. In order to maintain an exercise routine it's important to recover fully after exercise. Recovery is an essential part of any workout routine. It allows you to train more often and train harder so you get more out of your training. Do you have a good after exercise plan?

Why Recovery After Exercise Is Important
Recovery after exercise is essential to muscle and tissue repair and strength building. This is even more critical after a heavy weight training session. A muscle needs anywhere from 24 to 48 hours to repair and rebuild, and working it again too soon simply leads to tissue breakdown instead of building. For weight training routines, never work the same muscles groups two days in a row.

10 Ways To Recover Quickly After Exercise
There are as many methods of recovery as there are athletes. The following are some of the most commonly recommended by the experts.

Rest. Time is one of the best ways to recover (or heal) from just about any illness or injury and this also works after a hard workout. Your body has an amazing capacity to take care of itself if you allow it some time. Resting and waiting after a hard workout allows the repair and recovery process to happen at a natural pace. It's not the only thing you can or should do to promote recovery, but sometimes doing nothing is the easiest thing to do.

Stretch. If you only do one thing after a tough workout, consider gentle stretching. This is a simple and fast way to help your muscles recover.

Cool Down. Cooling down simply means slowing down (not stopping completely) after exercise. Continuing to move around at a very low intensity for 5 to 10 minutes after a workout helps remove lactic acid from your muscles and may reduce muscles stiffness. warming up and cooling down are more helpful in cooler temperatures or when you have another exercise session or an event later the same day.

Eat Properly. After depleting your energy stores with exercise, you need to refuel if you expect your body to recover, repair tissues, get stronger and be ready for the next challenge. This is even more important if you are performing endurance exercise day after day or trying to build muscle. Ideally, you should try to eat within 60 minutes of the end of your workout and make sure you include some high-quality protein and complex carbohydrate.

Replace Fluids.
You lose a lot of fluid during exercise and ideally, you should be replacing it during exercise, but filling up after exercise is an easy way to boost your recovery. Water supports every metabolic function and nutrient transfer in the body and having plenty of water will improve every bodily function. Adequate fluid replacement is even more important for endurance athletes who lose large amounts of water during hours of sweating.

Try Active Recovery. Easy, gentle movement improves circulation which helps promote nutrient and waste product transport throughout the body. In theory, this helps the muscles repair and refuel faster.

Have a Massage. Massage feels good and improves circulation while allowing you to fully relax. You can also try self-massage and Foam Roller Exercises for Easing Tight Muscles and avoid the heavy sports massage price tag.

Alternate Hot and Cold Baths or Showers. Some athletes swear by ice baths, ice massage or alternating hot and cold showers to recover faster, reduce muscle soreness and prevent injury. The theory behind this method called contract water therapy is that by repeatedly constricting and dilating blood vessels helps remove (or flush out) waste products in the tissues. Limited research has found some benefits of contrast water therapy at reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
How to use contrast water therapy: While taking your post-exercise shower, alternate 2 minutes of hot water with 30 seconds of cold water. Repeat four times with a minute of moderate temperatures between each hot-cold spray. If you happen to have a spa with hot and cold tubs available, you can take a plunge in each for the same time.

Get Lots of Sleep. While you sleep, amazing things are taking place in your body. Optimal sleep is essential for anyone who exercises regularly. During sleep, your body produces Growth Hormone (GH) which is largely responsible for tissue growth and repair.

Avoid Overtraining. One simple way to recovery faster is by designing a smart workout routine in the first place. Excessive exercise, heavy training at every session or a lack of rest days will limit your fitness gains from exercise and undermine your recovery efforts.

Workout #3 Skills

New Skills
Front Squat
Pull Up

Great work!!!

Workout #2 Skills

New Skills
Wall Ball

On Wednesday/Thursday of last week, we introduced the boot campers to Rowing and the Wall Ball. Both skills are wonderful exercises used in CrossFit on a regular basis. They are multi-joint, complex movements that utilize more of your muscles in a single exercise than many other movements you may have seen or done in the past. For instance, when performing a Wall Ball you are holding weight, squatting and pushing it overhead, and doing it all in rapid succession and for multiple repetitions. Not only does this allow you to work multiple muscles at once, but also increases your heartrate and breathing rate.

To engage all of the same muscles in a typical gym, you would need to perform at least 3 different exercises on weight machines AND then still need to increase your heart rate for a length of time through a stereotypical cardio exercise. This method of working out takes a lot of time, not including a proper warm-up. The skills we teach you in the Boot Camp work multiple muscle groups, including your heart, at the same time. As a result, it does not take nearly as long to finish a complete workout as it would in a standard gym using standard equipment.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July Boot Camp- Workout #1

The July Boot Camp is officially underway! The Boot Campers were nervous when they came into their first class this week, but they quickly settled right in and got to work. Congratulations to everyone for attacking the first workout. We're looking forward to a fantastic 4 weeks!

3 Rounds on each Exercise
1:00 Minute of Work
1:00 Minute of Rest

Box Jumps
Push Ups

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July Bootcamp Fitness Test

Getting ready for squats but first the proper technique demo by Leslie (yeah she's diesel)...

then off to the next phase push up...

...and now some encouragement from the gym owner Ryan

Don't forget to cheer on our July Bootcampers as they embark on their journey to strength and health.

July Bootcamp

As usual we are off to a great start. Over 20 bootcampers have signed up for our July session and we are looking forward to each of them finishing their health goals. Ryan is going over theimportance of nutrition while Chris, the head trainer, touches on basic gym expectations.

Then the fun part begins:

off to get measurements and
then the fit test.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


The Compound is looking for a Certified Yoga Instructor to provide classes here at the gym. If anyone is interested, or know someone who is interested in teaching, please let us know. Thanks and we look forward to providing our clients another amazing service here at The Compound!!
Courtesy of Google images

Monday, July 5, 2010


The Compound would like to give you all a huge "CONGRATULATIONS" for all of your success during the June Boot Camp. You did a fantastic job and we are looking forward to continuing to work with many of you in the regular classes!