Thursday, June 30, 2011

When Water Is No Longer Water

H2O , 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen atom.  It’s a simple compound structure so why is it that the water sold in groceries store look like these?
Skinny Water? Really?  

Last Time I checked water 'is' clear

Didn't Know 'guilt' is an ingredient

Hard to see on this Picture but sugar content is 13g

Couldn't you just get regular water and just add lemon or Lime?!
Bottled water exponential growth in the industry placed in nearly every supermarket, convenience store and vending machines where dozens of brands compete for consumers' dollar. No wonder we are confused cause water is no longer water it is a beverage loaded with sugars and chemicals just like it’s cousin Soda Pop and packaged neatly like a high end shampoo bottle.  

Water water everywhere but which drop to drink?  We should take into account the unnecessary ingredients in these store bought flavored water.  Think about it this way, we protect our selves from potential danger.  We put on our seat belt, lock our doors, etc. why not take extra caution before you grab a Gatorade, or a Sobe.  The structure of water is parallel to cellular function so why deviated from it’s original composition of just  H2O.  When purchasing water, factor in pH level.  Choose  a drink that is pH balance. It must have a pH close to 7.  Not only it’s important for our body’s cellular mechanism but also a beverage that is high or low in pH affect the strenght of your teeth.
If you want to justify luxury by buying high end water that is a personal choice but know what you are investing before that cash register goes ‘ka-ching’.  What is exactly is the ph level on any of these drinks ranging from sports drinks to purified water free of dissolved minerals.  The question is “Are you worth it?” and should never apply to the product.

Fancy French Water...oui!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Turn Intentions Into Action

     Bootcampers as you get near the end of the program start thinking about a "physical inventory"  Where do you go from here?  there are many local races long and short that are coming up and you may want to challenge your abilities.  idleness will turn into a vague longing if no action is taken.  your are given the fundamentals of keeping a strong body now it's up to you to keep it rolling.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Like A Rolling Stone

Our June Bootcampers- on the move!  and to say this is just warm up is an understatement.  When you're at Compound Crossfit, you're neither an employee or an employer, rich or poor, you're Motivated.  You will experience pain, you will be winded but you will not be short of motivation from within and around.  No, we will not hold your hand but we will be there to celebrate your goals.  Half way there!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Knowledge is King!

Summer time is here!!! which also means our fruit selections just got bigger BUT is it better?
The decisions we make in what we feed our bodies can be daunting.  Often we  rely too much on ‘convenience’ hence a quick trip to a fast food drive-thru.  The only thing we gain by making bad food choices are the repercussions of unhealthy results:  obesity, diabetes, the preservatives, the pesticides, the fats, processed carbs, ... the list is endless.  So how do you know what you’re getting is good for you?  Knowledge is KING!  Knowing where your food came from and by reading labels.
    Did you know that the sticker bar code on fruits and veggies holds a ton of info?  It will tell you if it’s organic, genetically modified, grown locally or regionally, and even pesticides info.  Organically grown fruit is 5 numerical code and begins with number 9 for example a banana’s barcode  will have the sticker 91234.  9 is the indicator that it’s organic or sometimes the sign is obvious because it says “organic”.  Stickers on produce item or also known as PLU is not just for price info.  
this is just a regular tomato
an organic lemon the 9 in the beginning of the code
one banana is regular and the other is organic

Click on the link if you would like to know more where your fruit or produce came from.

Monday, June 6, 2011

June Bootcamp

What a turn out for our June Bootcamp! It’s going to be a busy month at The Compound and we are looking forward in working and getting to know each and everyone.

We also want to remind you that hot summer days are ahead. Make sure you’re properly hydrated throughout the day and prior to workout. Your body will undergo compensatory changes in order to deal with the hot and humid environment. In an effort to prevent the body temperature from rising to dangerous levels, blood will be diverted from the organs to the skin. This means that less blood and oxygen are getting to the working muscles, leading to decrease in performance. So don’t forget to bring your water bottles and yes just regular water will do just fine.

See you at The Compound.