So you guys are two weeks into the boot camp and some of you may be wondering just what exactly it is you're doing. You see our regular members throwing around loaded barbells quite frequently and yet all you're doing are air squats, push-ups and lifts with PVC pipes or empty bars. so what's the deal? How are you ever going to get into shape by moving PVC pipe? Here's what you should know. A lot of what we do in CrossFit uses weight and you are either trying to move as much weight as you can for between 1 and 5 reps, or you are moving a light to moderate load for a lot of reps in as short of an amount of time as possible. That's not something we are going to just throw people into. The mechanics of the movement and consistency with those mechanics need to be built before we dose you with the intensity. That's the order of operations in CrossFit; mechanics, consistency, intensity. There is a much higher risk for injury if we just give you a bar loaded with 50, 60, 70, or 100 pounds and expect you to start performing the movements. It may be frustrating at first, but it's a crawl, walk, run process and all of us were there when we started CrossFitting. we'll get you there if you give us the effort with the PVC pipe and the bodyweight movements. Trust me, you'll still get a good, effective workout. We'll make sure of it.