Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Final Fit Tests

Final Measurements and Fit Tests will be on

Saturday, April 3rd

from 8:00 - 10:30 AM

We plan to run 2-3 large groups in an attempt to get you all tested before 10:30 AM.
Please be on time and bring your packet from the Orientation/Initial Fit Tests.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010


So you guys are two weeks into the boot camp and some of you may be wondering just what exactly it is you're doing. You see our regular members throwing around loaded barbells quite frequently and yet all you're doing are air squats, push-ups and lifts with PVC pipes or empty bars. so what's the deal? How are you ever going to get into shape by moving PVC pipe? Here's what you should know. A lot of what we do in CrossFit uses weight and you are either trying to move as much weight as you can for between 1 and 5 reps, or you are moving a light to moderate load for a lot of reps in as short of an amount of time as possible. That's not something we are going to just throw people into. The mechanics of the movement and consistency with those mechanics need to be built before we dose you with the intensity. That's the order of operations in CrossFit; mechanics, consistency, intensity. There is a much higher risk for injury if we just give you a bar loaded with 50, 60, 70, or 100 pounds and expect you to start performing the movements. It may be frustrating at first, but it's a crawl, walk, run process and all of us were there when we started CrossFitting. we'll get you there if you give us the effort with the PVC pipe and the bodyweight movements. Trust me, you'll still get a good, effective workout. We'll make sure of it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010



Boot Camp Games

A big thank you to all of you who showed up today and participated in the Boot Camp Games! For those of you who decided to not show, you missed a good time. We had two fantastic teams battle their way through a tug-of-war, an O-course, Skyler's sprint monster, and Keith's Circle of Death!! The teams were neck and neck the whole time, but one pulled away at the finish to claim a hard-earned victory. Veteran Compounders Val and Nick jumped in on the action to spice things up a little and they certainly helped tremendously. The teams both were tasked with carrying people between the stations, which was a hard workout all by itself. The team led by Compound owner Ryan bested the team led by trainer Chris in the tug-of-war and only had to carry one person as their reward. That victory set the tone for the rest of the day and they led the entire workout. Chris's team battled through while carrying two people between all the events and nearly caught up, but fell just a little short at the end. We saw some fantastic effort today and you guys really motivated us! Two people even showed up and crushed the workout right after running the Shamrock 8K! Awesome job everybody! Stay tuned for pictures of all the action! See you next week.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Boot Camp Games

Coming up this Saturday, March 20th, we will be holding the Compound CrossFit Boot Camp Games. All Boot Campers are encouraged to attend. We will be meeting at the Chesapeake City park at 12 noon on Saturday. The events will be explained on-site. Bring workout clothes, of course, and plenty of water. Also, bring your choice of post-workout nutrition. We will have a nutrition talk afterwards pertaining to what you are taking in post-workout. There will NOT be the regular 7, 8, and 9AM classes on Saturday. The Boot Camp Games are the class. We'll see you there!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


You are going to be putting your bodies through things it has never really experienced before with this program, even those of you who were already working out regularly. Recovery is vital to your ability to make progress. The body gets broken down by exercise, it gets stronger with proper rest and recovery. You don't need fancy and expensive recovery drinks or anything like that. Here's what you need to do...Drink water, a lot of water. All day, not just right before class. Eat the right foods at the right times. Breakfast and post-workout are the two most important meals of the day. Right with those two meals is your pre-workout meal. Keep your body fueled with the right stuff. Get a good 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. If something hurts, stretch and ice. Stay away from ibuprofen. It will alleviate pain in the short term, but in the long run it will make your body heal slower. Even if you are hurt, come to class if you can. It's better to work around your injury than it is to just do nothing. DO NOT spend 2 hours on your off days at the gym running or lifting weights. Take your rest days as rest days. a light jog is fine. I encourage yoga. Outside of that, rest. Do as little as possible. Even if you aren't sore, rest. Lack of soreness does not mean you need to do more or that you didn't get a good workout. Follow these basic rules of recovery and you will be setting yourself up for success. See you at the gym!

Monday, March 15, 2010

First Week Is Over!

Congratulations guys and girls! You made it through your first week of Boot Camp. We saw some great gains in the first three sessions. Keep bringing the intensity and the next three weeks will continue to yield the same impressive results. A special congratulations goes out to all of you who overcame your fear of jumping onto a box on Friday/Saturday. It takes a lot of guts to do something like that for the first time! Well done!! We have more new things in store for you this week and the Boot Camp Games are coming up this Saturday. More info on the Games will be released in a couple days. Great job the first week and keep it up!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Avoid Injury AND Burpees!

The warm-up is an extremely important part of any workout... it loosens and stretches your muscles, raises your heart rate, and prepares your body for the specific W.O.D. ahead. At the beginning of each Boot Camp class your trainers will conduct a thorough group warm-up that is essential to avoiding injury during the W.O.D. If you try to take off in a sprint without stretching out your hamstrings first, you run the risk of pulling that muscle and possibly sitting out the next class or the rest of the Boot Camp!

Be sure you arrive to each class on time to take full advantage of the warm-up AND to avoid the dreaded burpee!