Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sign Up For Boot Camp!!!!

Compound Crossfit has the baddest Boot Camp program in the area!!! If you think you have what it takes then sign up now for a life changing experience! Our Boot Camp is a unique program designed to awaken you to a new way of life. This program is like nothing you have ever experienced before! Do you want to feel confident? Discover your full potential? Do you want to be in the best shape of your life?!? HELL YES! HELL YES YOU DO!!! And why wouldn't you?? Life is too short not to. Grab this opportunity now and don't let go!!! Because we promise you this program will change your life! Make that decision and DO IT!!! Join us now!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Congratulations July Boot Camp!!

Huge congratulations to our July Boot Camp at Compound Crossfit!!! Its been one hell of a ride for our Boot Campers to get to the point where they are now. We did anything you can imagine to them and despite all of our efforts to break them down they never quit!!! Swamp runs, slosh pipes, tire carry's, and dodge ball and they still came out on top!!!! I'm super excited to see everyone's results tomorrow after the fit test! You guys have made everyone at the Compound extremely proud and we hope that you continue all of your hard work with your new friends and family here at Compound Crossfit!!!

"Tough times don't last. Tough people do."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Boot Camp Mud Run!

Boot Camp at the Compound just got real yesterday! As the weather got bad Boot Campers lined up to trudge through the woods with a smile on their face!! One of the toughest days in Boot Camp! Congratulations to everyone for finishing the run and for having not one quitter!! Relay races through the swamp is the best way to build a strong team! Two weeks into boot camp with two weeks to go. I expect to see great food journals and perfect attendance for the rest of the program! REMINDER: nutrition seminar is this Saturday at 11AM!!! Sign yourself up and your whole family too!

 "It's never too late to become what you might have been". -George Elliot

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Never Retreat! Never surrender!

The toughest day in Boot Camp so far went down yesterday!!! Ryan Allday made a surprise visit and beat down on the Boot Campers!! Its always a long night when boot campers are having to me married to the slosh pipes and not put them down till the night is over! But we learned a valuable lesson about teamwork and now understand that anything can be achieved so long as we work together. Paleo recipes are due this Friday!! Make sure you have them! Also, keep in mind that the nutrition seminar is coming up Saturday August 11th at 11am! Sign up through Mind Body and reserve your spot!!! Get some rest and eat some good food!

~If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse.~